Monday, April 14, 2008

Scripture of its first script

The introduction to the frame of history, the characters, the location and time must generally be the beginning of the script. The disposition is important parts because the hearings have knowledge on the film or the operation. He is better to begin with a picture something that a voice unknown in a screen in target because it is good for absorbing to the hearing in history. The image can be of any person, whatever of the agent who plays the role fundamental, or any place like its native city, which transports the subject? Like in Harry Potter and the compartment of secrets, a serpent demonstrates that it crawls which obtains more ahead killed by Potter to save itself and the students.

Beginning with the interaction of the characters is also a good idea like the concentrate of the hearing in them during some time to decide to if they want to persecute to them or and also to keep them asking itself on the diagram of history. But it is very important that what is photographed in the first scenes or the first ten minutes it must be related direct to history. Possibly the inapplicable matter is being exhibited will confuse to him simply to hearing and can also do that they lose interest.

After the interest of the acquisition hearing the ten following pages must explain on the unfolding of history and at the same time to carry out the suspension of history. Most of the characters can be introduced, the atmosphere can be created, the last events can be decreed and the bandit can also be presented/displayed but that is not a necessity. In order to construct to the suspension the bandit good boy can be represented as but its reality leaves to light after maÌ incident  n or when he took with the hands in the mass by another character. But this does not have to last to prove the patience of the spectators.

It is later the catalyst or the incident of the incitement that creates a twist in the film. The normal flow of history must be interrupted. The hearing must be kept in its toes to conserve its interest in history. The questions have taste of what they make the characters want and they are obstructing what them are due to answer here. After these questions are answered that the following question will be very important, that if the malefactor will win in his plan. Until this question is not answered that the hearing waits for something to happen, they wait for a certain action or they wait for the climax of the film. If the antagonist does not gain history she will have a happy conclusion and the characters will live always later happy. But he wins, later history will have a tragic end and will give rise sometimes to the death of the main character. This like the first act of the film is known.

The catalyst or the incident of the incitement can be represented like small scenes that when it is ligature creates a mystery or with the reception of the vital information by a certain character or like shock between the good and bad characters. In the film “Disturbia” the information of the clocks of the hero on the television on girls that lacks more ahead and were found assassinated. In another scene, the hero hears a shout of a girl of the house of his neighbor, who is also the antagonist of the film.

Point one of the diagram is the climax of the film. It happens after the first act. They mean them generally to surprise the hearing with something unexpected with the occurrence of a revolving event. The main lead takes a risk and does in front of its opponent. And if it is a happy class of the conclusion of a film, the main victory of the increases of the lead on the bandit by or the slaughter he or doing learns it a lesson. And if history assumes to have a sad conclusion, the bandit obtains far causing damage to the good character. The past page must give an idea on which it will be the future for all the characters and if it is a consequence, he must keep to the hearing conjecturing on the future.

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