According to many experts and people the era of gold of Hollywood was during the years the 30 and years 40 in which it prospered the industry. But many experts agree that although years 30 brought in the commercial success but the time real sea bream from artistic point of view would begin in 20 years itself when extracted talent of by everybody. Before this Hollywood period was hardly like any other location of the running of films but it was after World War I that created a place for itself in the world. The obvious reason was the magnitude of damage that the European countries suffered in the world war and the subsequent economic difficulties faced up by them who thus affected the industry of the cinema. Before the coming of Hollywood as destination of the Germany cover were the known most popular destination for its artistic excellence. America benefitted from the fact that it underwent relatively less deaths and the loss of characteristic compared the European nations.
The popular names during the era of gold were cable of Clark, Bette Davis, Charlie Chaplin, Bing Crosby, jacket of Tracy point, Bob Hope, Ingrid, Judy Garland, Bergman, James Cagney, Jennifer Jones, Ronald Reagan, Elizabeth Taylor and Great Cary, the list is endless. These agents did the names of the grasping of house in the country in the years 30 and years 40. The industry of the cinema during this was so rich and that the studies have long-range Paramount taste, MGM, the universal one, 20th Century Fox and RKO kept adding from more buildings to their studies. More than 7,000 films they were sent by these studies during the period of years 30 and years 40. More than 75 million people they met at least to see a film in one week during the maximum years of Hollywood.
Also during this it was the nation considered the threats due to World War II. When soon this given threat return in fact the presidents of these studies took this like opportunity to make the films that would connect to together countrymen during these resistant and terrible years. They made many films patriotic that implied to agents like Betty and Van Johnson. These films of a way also helped the efforts of the war. Aside from the films there were numerous shorts and the documentary ones did.
Some of the famous films of the era of gold include beauty of Memphis: A history of a strength of the flight directed by Guillermo Wyler, Howard Hawks ordered sergeant York of the films, to have and to have no. The agreement between all the films of the era of gold was that almost all the films finished in a happy note and a patriotic ardor, that was had taste by people also. The films done during years 40 talk about like “noir of the film” that in the literary context means the “dark films”. The films were mainly pessimistic with the resistant masculine protagonist who was also a cynical one and the feminine protagonist would be attractive woman who takes to the men to a disastrous situation. Few examples of the Noir film are stranger in the third floor directed by Boris Ingster, discharge mountain range directed by Raul Walsh, shade of a doubt directed by Alfred Hitchcock and the Maltese hawk directed by Juan Huston.
The comedies were also popular during that was, the basic characteristics of the comedies were pairs that formed during this period. Some of the famous pairs of agents were Bob Hope and Bing famous Crosby by their way of the film to Singapore, Abbott and Costello, jacket of point Tracy and Katharine Hepburn, and Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis. The films that portrayed the lives of westerns during the era were also popular between people some of the examples that were strength Apache and she used a yellow tape. But for the moment at which these films were sent the fall of Hollywood has begun already due to the effects of the war, the depression and the arrival of the television to only be able not to recover again.
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